
The harvestTrigger is triggered daily to determine whether the harvest conditions are met. The two conditions are:

  1. Maximum time interval is exceeded.

  2. The harvest rules are met:


If any of the above conditions are met, the strategy can perform harvest:

  1. Execute the yield transfer Harvester (for the strategy with yield production and reach the yield selling threshold);

  2. Report the current asset from the strategy.

Harvest Parameters

Set parameters



Scheduled task trigger cycle

22:00 daily (UTC)

22:00 daily (UTC)

The maximum time interval for triggering the harvest strategy (if the interval between the current harvest and the last harvest or the last lend is greater than this value, harvest must be done)

3 days

1 day

The benefit-cost ratio factor XX to trigger strategy harvest (harvest profit >= cost×X\times X, then harvest can be done).



Last updated